Joseph K. Lamb, Jr., the CEO and Founder of Gulf Western Roofing, grew up with contracting in his blood. His father was the president of a very large building contractor on Florida’s booming east coast, and almost from the start, Joe Lamb was groomed to one day head up his own construction operation. Continue reading “The History of Gulf Western Roofing”

Animals in the Attic
Rats, squirrels, and birds, oh my! Are you housing unwanted guests like these on your roof or in your attic. Critters are becoming notorious for making huge messes when they break into homes through the roof. These animals can cause expensive damages to your roof as well as your insulation and/or electrical wires. Continue reading “Animals in the Attic”

Importance of Attic Ventilation
To ventilate or not to ventilate? That certainly is the question amongst researchers.
Attic ventilation is a heavily debated topic. In the last several decades, building codes have demanded increased attic insulation yet there are still skeptics who say the benefits are overrated. The lack of agreement lies mostly in the fact that climates vary immensely, making it hard to find a solution that fits all areas. Continue reading “Importance of Attic Ventilation”

Understanding Roof Warranties
Understanding Roof Warranties
Just about everything on the market comes with a warranty these days. Limited lifetime warranty, extended warranty, system warranty: what does it all mean? And do we really need a warranty for everything? What we can tell you is that having a roof warranty in place is one of the best things you can do to protect your home from a worst-case scenario. Continue reading “Understanding Roof Warranties”

Common Roof Problems
There are almost an infinite number of things that could go wrong with your roof. While most of those situations are extreme cases, roofing issues are more likely to intensify when homeowners do not know what to look for. As a homeowner, the best thing you can do is educate yourself on some of the most common problems. Starting here will help to avoid the worst headaches and the most costly damages. Continue reading “Common Roof Problems”

Avoid Roofing Scams
Every line of business has its scammers. These scammers create horror stories that set a bad name for nearly every other company in that industry. The home improvement industry and roofing in particular are notorious for putting unsuspecting homeowners out of thousands of dollars or leaving the homeowner’s with costly damages. Understanding the signs of a roofing scammer can benefit homeowners and the roofing industry as a whole. Continue reading “Avoid Roofing Scams”
Protect Your Roof From Fire on New Year’s Eve
Much like the Fourth of July, New Years celebrations are commonly celebrated with fireworks. Although fun and pretty to look at, fireworks can be extremely dangerous and can pose hazard for your home and roof. This year, Gulf Western Roofing, a trusted local roofer, is offering the following suggestions to protect your home from damage caused by fireworks:
First and foremost, fireworks CAN set a roof on fire. Certain fireworks still burn once they hit the ground, and roofing materials made of wood are easily combustible. It is still equally possible for a roof to catch on fire even if it is not made of wood. If the roof is already damaged and there are missing shingles, the roof felt paper, which is easily combustible, becomes exposed.
When preparing for your New Year’s celebration, make sure to cut back tree branches. A tree branch that is hanging too low on your roof could quickly start a serious fire that will easily spread to the rest of your home. It is a good idea to remove these limbs anyway in order to avoid damage during a storm. Other debris, such as pine needles and leaves are also flammable, which is why it is good to get into the habit of keeping your gutters clean and free of this dry matter.
And finally, as fun and exciting as it may seem in movies, Gulf Western Roofing suggests that you not attempt to climb on your roof to watch the neighborhood fireworks. For starters, climbing onto your roof is dangerous. It is too easy to slip and fall. Not to mention, when you climb onto your roof you always run the risk of causing damage to the materials.
As always, if you have any concerns about the current state of your roof, call the professionals at Gulf Western Roofing. In addition to being licensed and insured, Gulf Western Roofing is locally owned and operated, doing business for over 17 years. We’ll always tell you the truth about your roof.
Happy New Years from our family to yours!
Holiday Do’s and Don’ts
During the holidays, the more lights and decorations on a home, the more memorable and awe-worthy it is. But what most homeowners don’t realize is that these decorations can actually compromise the integrity of their home and roof if not installed correctly. However, you don’t have to let the fear of harming your home make you miss out on the holiday fun; Gulf Western Roofing is here to offer a few tips to help you deck the halls without causing damage.
I’m sure many of us have seen the movie National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and laughed along at the snowball of problems that Clark Griswold faces. Today Clark will be our shining example of what not to do when decorating your home for the holidays. Continue reading “Holiday Do’s and Don’ts”
What to Do When Your Roof Leaks
Imagine waking up on any normal weekday and starting your morning routine. Just then, you see it- a puddle of water in the middle of the hallway. You start going through the checks, not wanting to admit that your roof may be leaking. “The dog? Spilt water?” But then, a drop of water falls from the ceiling and lands right in the center of this puddle. Continue reading “What to Do When Your Roof Leaks”
Top Ten Mistakes in Purchasing a New Roof
A roof that’s installed with modern materials and methods and then properly maintained will give you many years of hassle-free service. However, if you live in an older home or one that has been damaged by storm or neglect, it may be time to consider installing an entirely new roof.
But as with so many other large purchases, buying a new roof can be a costly and frustrating experience- especially if you don’t avoid making some of the missteps as so many other homeowners have. To help you avoid doing that, we’ve compiled this list of the ten most common mistakes made when purchasing a new roof.
- Shopping price only
The price of a new roof will vary depending on the size and location of your home. If you shop around for prices and find that a particular company is well below the average, there may be a reason. In short, cost alone doesn’t determine value; professionalism and quality workmanship should weigh just as heavily in any roof-buying decision.
- Buying from the company that can start the soonest
A company that is too quick to respond may not yet have enough business. There’s nothing wrong with being new to an area, but there may be other reasons the company is idle.
- Falling for any high-pressure tactics
As with any large purchase, buying under pressure is a bad idea. No matter how good the deal if you ’just sign now,’ don’t buy a roof from a company that insists you sign a contract before you’re ready. You should always demand the right to examine the contract at your leisure.
- Signing the contract just because you like the salesperson
Even though you may feel a certain comfort level with a certain salesperson, that shouldn’t drive your roof-buying decision. Remember, sales people are hired for their people skills; most of the time their job is to say to you whatever they need in order to get you to buy.
- Forgetting that a deal seemingly too good to be true probably is
While there are legitimate reasons a roofing contractor might offer steep discounts, be wary of those who are too inexpensive. If you’re offered a super bargain, make sure the contractor is using certified, code-approved, and legally obtained materials. Be sure there’s a warranty offered. Ask about hidden costs such as removal of your existing roof, etc. And be sure to ask about references.
- Purchasing based on warranty alone
The length of a roof warranty should not be the sole criterion for selecting a roofing contractor. The warranty alone does not necessarily provide assurance of satisfactory roof performance.
- Using contractors with no office staff
There’s nothing wrong with using a small mom-and-pop contractor, of course. But roofing properly is a large undertaking, so all other things being equal, a large support staff makes the process that much smoother.
- Mistaking advertising for quality
While it may be impressive that a contractor has put down money for an expensive and slick ad campaign, it’s more important that they can perform the work in a quality and professional manner.
- Hiring a friend to do the work
Unless your friend is a licensed and insured roofing contractor, this is a really bad idea. Even if your friend is known as a ‘handyman,’ has he ever installed a complete roof? Does he know which areas of the roof are prone to leaks? Does he know how to properly vent a roof? And most importantly, does he offer a warranty?
- Doing the work yourself
In spite of the fact that the big-box home improvement centers will try to convince you this is a snap, don’t believe them. On top of the issues we’ve already discussed, there are the obvious safety concerns; ask yourself whether saving a few thousand dollars is worth risking your health or your life. Professional roof contractors are trained in all aspects of installation and safety; even if cutting costs is very important to you, this is the one area in which you should absolutely never skimp.
If your home is ready for a new roof, or even if you suspect it may be, don’t fall victim to these, or any other mistakes. Instead, give one of Gulf Western Roofing’s knowledgeable representatives a call. We’ll always tell you the truth about your roof!